Supporting you to help you live the life you want


Working together we will:

  • Use the GROW model
  • Understand your top 5 strengths
  • Discover your 5 core values
  • Focus on your key relationships
  • Create a web based record for you to refer to in the future (see my personal examples below)




Goal – What do you want to achieve and why?


RealityWhere are you now? What has been holding you back?


Options – What options do you have in front of you? Are there others?


Will – Which path will you decide to take? What is the long term risk / reward?



Your Top 5 Strengths (mine as an example)






 Full report

Your 5 Core Values (mine as an example)






Your Roles, Values & Goals (mine as an example)

Roles Values Goals
Girls Love & Being Loved, Perspective, Optimism Be present. Ask open questions. Listen. Sleepovers. Pocket money.
Folks Love & Being Loved, Gratitude, Integrity Lighter and brighter. Ask open questions. Listen. Quality time.
Kerry Love & Being Loved, Optimism, Perspective Monthly zooms.
Nick Gratitude, Perspective, Kindness Monthly zooms.
Tom Teamwork, Persistence, Creativity Monthly f2f. Check in. More structure,
Martha Love & Being Loved, Humour, Perspective Monthly f2f. Bi-monthly weekends. Coach and take a step back.
Caro Love & Being Loved, Kindness, Optimism Weekly support. Quarterly weekends. Quarterly coach and take a step back.
Rupon Integrity, Optimism, Humour Monthly f2f and monthly fun.
Alison Persistence, Teamwork, Forgiveness Increased communication. Xmas family meeting. Counselling.


Humour, Creativity, Gratitude Quarterly weekends. Ask open questions. Listen. Coach and take a step back.
NewLeaf Content Creativity, Love of Learning, Curiosity Do. Seek expert advice. Refine
NewLeaf Distribution Creativity, Love of Learning, Rational Thinking Do. Seek expert advice. Refine.
NewLeaf Business Development Persistence, Purpose, Optimism Meet people f2f.